implant dentistry

Implant Dentistry


Dental Implants is a tooth Root like metallic cylindrical rod which is inserted in the jaw bone. This is inserted in the missing tooth area. On top of this Implant Rod a Ceramic or metallic cap is inserted which will act as a crown which is exactly in the size and shape of missing tooth.

Far far away, behind the word mountains, far from the countries Vokalia and Consonantia, there live the blind texts. Separated they live in Bookmarksgrove right at the coast

This implant rod is made up of Titanium, one of the safest metal and gets well integrated with jaw bones. All the implant components are treated under a very sophisticated high end Manufacturing industry so there is no chances of infection.

This implant rod is made up of Titanium, one of the safest metal and gets well integrated with jaw bones. All the implant components are treated under a very sophisticated high end Manufacturing industry so there is no chances of infection.

This implant rod is made up of Titanium, one of the safest metal and gets well integrated with jaw bones. All the implant components are treated under a very sophisticated high end Manufacturing industry so there is no chances of infection.


Implant Dentistry

Single Implant

Replacing a single lost tooth by an implant is called as single implant treatment. This is a very simple, effective and long lasting treatment. In anterior tooth implant is immediately replaced with a temporary crown to avoid the shame of lost tooth.

Implant Dentistry

Multiple Implants

When several teeth are lost in a quadrant then 2 to 3 implants are placed in the most favourable area and all the implants are joined together as a bridge.

Implant Dentistry

Full Mouth Implants

When all the teeth are lost or are about to be lost or planned to be extracted then that condition is called completely edentulous. There are several treatment options depending on the condition of the existing bone. This implant treatment modality is called as Implant Full Mouth Rehabilitation. Full Mouth Rehabilitation is a kind of technique sensitive complicated surgery which will several hours for each quadrant.

Full Mouth Rehabilitation is a kind of technique sensitive complicated surgery which will several
hours for each quadrant. Full mouth rehabilitation has 2 phases of treatment:

Surgical Phase:

where we plan and place the implants in the jaw bone

Prosthetic Phase:

this is done after 3 months of implant surgery where Dentist fabricate teeth on the placed implants.

Types of Full Mouth Implant
Rehabilitation options:

FMR: Conventional Technique

This procedure involves placing four to six implants in one day. The treatment requires a few days of recovery time between visits, which can be difficult for patients who need dental work right away or have other medical conditions that need attention. It also means you’ll have to wait longer than usual before getting your new smile—but that’s okay! You’ll get to enjoy the new look you’ve worked hard for.

FMR: All-on-X

Here around 4 to 6 implants are placed in each jaw. Generally in the posterior region there will be gradual bone loss if we don’t replace the teeth immediately, which leads to a situation where there won’t be any bone to place implant. In these types of cases special types of elongated tilted implants are placed very strategically, in a way that it will take loads of 6 to 8 implants. As this surgery is technique sensitive and all the components are very costly, this treatment is costlier than 8 implant therapy.

FMR: Digital

Digital Full Mouth Rehabilitation is the latest and minimally invasive technique. It uses 3D computer technology to check the bone availability, density and verify the vital structures. Planning of implants is done using a software and a 3D printed guide is made with the help of CBCT and the STL model of the patient. After the osseointegration phase the rehabilitation is done using the digital workflow thus, avoiding human errors.

The procedure is very precise and effective due to the complete digital workflow. 

FMR: Overdenture

This is a semi fixed variety of treatment option where teeth are supposed to be removed by the patient at night. 

In this only 2 implants are placed in the jaw in anterior region for anchorage of the teeth set. 

This treatment option is advocated when a patient does not have proper bone available or the patient can’t afford 6 to 8 implants cost.


Gone are the days when implant treatment used to be 3 to 4 months long. With new technology and advanced materials it is possible to give implant treatment with a cap in a Day. At Kosmo dental our expert team of doctors and Technicians do lot of research on this aspect. Kosmo Dental indigenously developed certain techniques with which we are able to perform implant surgery and crown on it in a single day.

There are two different types of Implants are used for this immediate Crowns One is a Screw type implant with a crown portion attached to it. They are generally preferred in lower anterior teeth. They are very thin and slender so better get adapted to their teeth anatomy.

Multi unit/ 2 Piece implants:
In this implant has 2 parts, one which goes into the bone called implant fixture, second one is abutment which is attached to this implant fixture with a screw. This is one of the highly advanced and time tested techniques. Kosmo Dental has a separate department for implantology where we have state of the art equipments, Softwares and Materials. This single day dentistry is possible due to the CBCT planning, 3D printing and Keyhole surgery implant placement. In this first visit we took CBCT, photographs and impressions of the patient. With these inputs our team of doctors plant the surgery virtually with the help special softwares. A key hole surgery is planned according to this planning and 3D prints been printed. This 3D print is called template, and will allow the dentist to do the single drill surgery without giving any incision. As there is no incision or raising the mucosa or skin so it is painless, accurate and fast. As our team already fabricated the crown on top of it, it is very easy to deliver the crown immediately.

Single piece Implants:
This is an Implant along with abutment in a single unit. Technically this a simple and straightforward implant technology. The biggest advantage is we can give crown immediately. This is mostly indicated in lower anteriors and well formed bone conditions.

Implant Dentistry
Implant Dentistry
Implant Dentistry
Implant dentistry


Implant Dentistry

Metal Ceramic crown:

This is one of the oldest method of artificial crown fabrication material. In this tooth colored ceramic material is added onto the metal coping. Thus it has the strength of metal and the aesthetics of ceramic.



Zircona crown



Implant Dentistry
Implant Dentistry

Graphene crown




“Forget the messy and unpleasant methods of conventional impressions
and avail the benefits of modernity at Kosmos”

Contactless Impressions

We want to re-define dental experience for our patients and completely remove the anxiety of dental treatment by adopting modern technology. Generally in Dental, clinic we take impressions of the teeth to record and create a prototype of the teeth and jaw model in the stone. This is generally taken for fabricating crowns and bridges.

This procedure is very cumbersome and technique sensitive. Lot of mess is created to make these impressions. But now we can avoid this by using intra oral scanner (IOS). Intra oral scanner is a Pen like device which has a camera on the nib. This scanner scans the teeth with utmost precision. This Data is collected with special softwares wherein within seconds everything is recorded and a Virtual stone model is created. This scan is mailed to CAD-CAM labs, where they design the crowns and mill it in a day.

Advantages of Digital impressions

Implant Dentistry
Implant Dentistry
Implant Dentistry
Implant Dentistry

At Kosmos, you get the best of modern dentistry, in the best
dental implant in Hyderabad. Book your appointment today!